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EYFS - Early Years

Our Vision for the children at Moor End Primary School is for every child to have the best possible start in life and to provide the support that enables them to reach their full potential.  Early childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives.  Therefore we encourage the children to be curious, collaborative, adventurous, reflective, creative, resilient and to have fun.  Our curriculum evolves and changes to meet the needs of our children. We believe all children deserve to have an equal chance of success and we provide high quality care and education to help them achieve this.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) involves a curriculum that is different from the National Curriculum. It is designed from birth to 5 years old and so at Moor End it involves our pre-school and Reception Class. In September 2021 this changed and it has simplified a number of areas and allowed us to create an early years curriculum that fits the needs of our children and the community we serve.




On entry to our Reception Class every child completes a Baseline assessment.  We then use this information to set work and activities for the whole year that is specific to your child. There is a huge developmental difference between children who have a birthday in September than those who are summer born, and we recognise this to build a curriculum that gets the best out of every child.


Our EYFS leader, Mrs. Holdsworth has planned intended progression in the main areas for the whole of the EYFS, and this is shown in the documentation below. Our Foundation Stage is all about discovery, play and enjoyment, and prepares your child for the more formal curriculum that will be in place for the year's ahead.


If you have any questions about what we do please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Holdsworth at school. 

EYFS School Development Plan 2022-23

Crowning of the Rose Queen 2023

St George's Day- Acting out the story of St George and the dragon.

Planting fruit trees during science week.

Chinese New Year and Friendly Thursday

Remembrance Day
